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Selectmen's Minutes 4/18/06
A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee was held on Tuesday evening, April 18, 2006 at 6:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
            Finance Committee members: Sally Feeney, Tony Figueiredo, John Margie, Jeff Luttazi,
Albert Mondeau, Bill Jacques, Cathy Lane, Christopher Kelley
It was noted that Finance Committee Chairman, Robert Coulter was in the hospital and would not be at next few meetings as he recovers from surgery.
Mrs. Feeney explained the Finance Committee’s meetings with departments with exception of Park Department; all departments have presented a good explanation of their budget, department needs and impacts.
Discussed schedule for STM and ATM and timetable for articles to be presented to Selectmen. Mrs. Grabau explained that articles for the Special in June were due on April 20 and for the Annual on April 27. Stated that she would prepare a packet for the Finance Committee and the Selectmen of all articles and explanations.
After further discussion, Board of Selectmen agreed that they would begin meeting with Department Heads for budget discussion next week and requested that the department liaison from the Finance Committee also attend.
Discussion was held on several subjects, i.e. cherry sheet figures, proposed budget, financial forecast, DPW budget update and capital needs.
Joint meeting with Finance Committee closed at 7:35 p.m.
Mr. Hamilton requested that the Police and Fire Departments make their budget presentations at next weeks meeting.
Peter Spagone, Veterans’ Agent met with the Board and informed them of the ceremony in Boston last week at which the Governor signed the bill creating the dedication of the bridge on Route 18 in Elmwood at the Joppa as the Gordon Craig Bridge.
Mr. Spagone noted that the Governor was able to have the Medal of Honor placed on the sign after getting approval for use of copyright. A replica of the sign as it will appear on the bridge was shown. Mr. Spagone noted that as soon as the sign is ready, he would put together a ceremony at the bridge for the placement of the sign.
Mr. Spagone extended thanks to Marjorie Winsor and Charles Gilbert, who initiated the idea, and Rep. Kathy Teahen who worked to make sure this was accomplished and Martha Redgate, Adm. Assistant Veterans Office who worked on project.
Mr. Hamilton extended the Board’s appreciation to Mr. Spagone and Mrs. Redgate for their work to accomplish this project.
Mr. Spagone noted that the Governor had small replicas of the sign made and autographed for each of Cpl. Craig’s cousins who attended the ceremony in Boston. Has an extra, which he will have autographed by the Governor and will have framed and presented to the High School to place under Cpl. Craig’s portrait, which hangs in the high school’s foyer.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                            April 18, 2006
Board called for a 5-minute recess.
Meeting reconvened at 7:47 p.m.
Public Hearing
Mr. Hamilton opened the Public Hearing as follows:
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. Chap. 138, a Public Hearing will be held relative to the Application for a Common Victualer – Wine & Malt License, as follows:
            The Spartan Restaurant & Pizza Inc. dba Liberty Pizza
            Chrisoula Nohos, Manager
            Premises: 392 Pleasant Street
Premises consists of restaurant in Unit 1, steel frame building with seating for 28, take out counter, kitchen and storage in rear with front entrance and rear entrance.
A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 7:45 p.m.
Present were Chrisoula Nohos, proposed manager and Ilias Nohos, owner
Mrs. Nohos noted that they ran their last business in Taunton for 30 years; new premises is in strip plaza next to Crocetti’s/Oakdale Packing on Pleasant Street.
It was noted that they are still in the process of installing equipment into the premises; plan to open in about eight weeks.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Common Victualer – Wine & Malt License for The Spartan Restaurant & Pizza Inc. dba Liberty Pizza, 392 Pleasant Street, Chrisoula Nohos, Manager.
Public Hearing closed at 8:00 p.m.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2006 meeting.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Mark Ferbert for Use of the Town Common on June 24, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. for a wedding.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, for purpose of discussion, move to approve the request of Michelle Fortune for Use of the Town Common on July 1, 2006 for a free concert fundraiser.
Board discussed with Ms. Fortune various questions posed by the Chief of Police in his letter to the Board regarding use of the Common, as follows:
            Parking – Has obtained written permission from High School to use parking lots.
            Police Detail – has spoken to P.D. and will have two officers; has to pay for detail two
weeks in advance of activity
            Radio Station Remote – one van; will have promotions on two stations
            Plymouth Street – will block at Morse Avenue and Central Street
Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                April 18, 2006
Ms. Fortune stated that she was also working with the Red Cross to have a Blood Drive during the day. Will look at using the Grace Bible Church or having the Red Cross Bloodmobile. Also plans to provide trash barrels and will be responsible for removing trash at end of event.
A discussion was held regarding plans for fundraising during event. Ms. Fortune explained that Subway would sell subs during day with profit going to Support the Troops Community Concert Series; will have t-shirts for sale also.
Ms. Fortune explained that during the day, between concerts, they would be presenting gifts to veterans. Board suggested that she contact Veterans’ Agent Peter Spagone, for names of town residents who have recently returned.
Mr. Hamilton called for vote.
VOTE: Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, for purpose of discussion, move to approve closing the warrant for the May 8, Special Town Meeting and approve accepting the articles as presented for inclusion in the warrant.
Mr. Hamilton noted that originally the Board had agreed to hold a STM for the shortages in the Gasoline and Street Light accounts. It was noted that the Fire Department due to one employee leaving and sick days for others, there are shortfalls, which need immediate funding and can’t wait for June STM.
Mr. Walsh suggested that the Fire Department article be allowed due to it being an emergency and that the water department article be allowed for gasoline, electricity and heating oil and not the others.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, move to amend previous motion by approving only articles 2 and 5 and adjusting article 4 to a total of $21,000 to include only funding for electricity, gasoline and heating.
VOTE on amendment – Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Vote on motion as amended – Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Resignation of Richard Eldridge as Fence Viewer as of June 30, 2006
List of Appointments  - terms end  June 30, 2006. List will be available on web site and at Selectmen’s Office.
Mr. Hamilton suggested to the Board members that they change their meeting night from Monday evenings to Tuesday evenings. Noted he would like to meet with John Haines and the Water Commissioners relative to the proposed water treatment plant.
Mr. Walsh stated that it was a good idea. Noted that they would have to vote to amend schedule and notify Town Clerk and all departments. Mrs. McNulty also agreed with change; noted that it would give Board members a chance to attend various department/committee meetings.
Mr. Hamilton suggested starting next week and continue through June with an option to continue through the summer.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to change Board of Selectmen’s meeting from Monday evenings to Tuesday evenings beginning April 25, 2006 through June 27, 2006, with option to continue Tuesday meeting through summer.
Board of Selectmen                                             -4-                                            April 18, 2006
            Hazardous Waste Day, May 6, 2006, 8 a.m. – noon at BFI Thatcher Street site
            Hydrant Flushing – April 18 & April 20, 2006
Open Forum
No one present
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:45 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen